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Thursday, December 30, 2010

AFRICA REPORT - Poured Out For Africa with Pastor Don Schwarz

Philippians 2: 17 "Yea, and if I be offered upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I joy, and rejoice with you all."

New Year’s Greetings In King Jesus’ Name!

I am so thankful to begin this New Year with a great report from our anointed ministry partner Pastor Habimana in the DR Congo! I was just with him during my trip to Rwanda and my what a glorious time we had there! I have just received this report and share it with you for the glory of the LORD! I am not going to edit his English so as to maintain the authentic flavor of the message. May we see Kingdom fruit from our lives in 2011!

John 15:16 "Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you."

Dear Partners,
Greetings from Dr Congo. It is with pleasure that I would like to share with you the goodness of our almighty God. We started our training on 27th December which ended this afternoon. 23 evangelists attended our seminar. It was joy to be with them during these three days learning how to win souls to our master Jesus Christ using F A I T H as tools. It was new to them where there were curious and followed us attentively. The new strategy of witnessing people was very well appreciated. Testimonies from evangelists.

Evangelist David said: Thanks to our teachers; they give us the best tools to win souls to Jesus. Our churches were not growing because we didn’t have strategy for evangelism.

Evangelist Emmanuel said: We thank so much God because we were trained for the ministry and we have now tools (bibles)

Evangelist Muhasha said, God bless you for equipping us with the strategy of evangelism.etc..Under rains our students went for practice and won 30 new believers who accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior while 8 persons joined the church. There were backslide. But we faced problem of transport for instructors and for students. This has been a big issues to those who attend our training coming far from the organized centre.I will send to you the calendar of our training of the coming year 2011, so that you may have time to pray for it.There is a good news which I need to share with you, on the Christmas day, in the whole Union of Baptist churches we baptized 751 new believers. Please join us to thank God for the harvest.

Continue praying for the ministry, and we appreciate so much your prayers and financial support.

May God bless you richly.

Pastor Athanase Habimana
To learn more about Poured Out For Africa check out the blog and website: and
Have a fruitful New Year!

Pastor Don Schwarz

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Kenya December 2010-HIV Orphan Healing!

Africa Report - Poured Out For Africa

Philippians 2: 17 Yea, and if I be offered (poured out) upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I joy, and rejoice with you all.

There is much I will share about my recent trip to Rwanda and Kenya later, but in this report I will exclusively give glory to our Savior Jesus for His healing hand of mercy upon two orphans in Kenya.

Our team was on our way to an orphan facility we support in a rural village in Kenya. There are 108 orphans in this place. During our drive, one of our companions, who is a powerful pastor, church planter, disciple maker, orphan caregiver, and recording artist was giving us counsel about many things in Kenya. He spoke of a 25,000 persons gospel event he had preached recently. There a man was carried in on a stretcher and walked out upon hearing a word from the Lord given from this pastor. I then told our brother that I desired to see more power from the Lord in my ministry and asked him for prayer. Little did I know how quickly this prayer would be answered.

We arrived that day and HIV testing was being conducted on all of the orphans. I was later told that some would expect that out of 108 orphans in Kenya up to half would be found HIV positive. Things were going so well and none of the children were testing positive until the end.

At this critical point we were informed that, as I understood it, one child had tested positive. One of the deacons from our church and I began to pray fervently for healing, forgiveness, mercy, and full restoration for this precious little soul! Then they tested the child a second time and the test was negative, and then a third and the test was NEGATIVE-NO HIV!

There is more, and this deals with the scoffers who would attribute this to a faulty first test. Due to privacy and discrimination regarding HIV in Africa we were not informed anything about this child and I wanted a little information for this report. So I contacted the administrator of the facility to ask if he could at least tell me if it was a boy or girl that was healed. He then told me through a strong Swahili English accent “Pastor Don, you must have misunderstood, it was a boy and a girl that were healed. There were two that had tested HIV positive before you prayed and two were healed!” And to demonstrate that it was not faulty testing he told me this: “The same testing was used the next day on the staff and three of them tested positive for the first, second, and third test. Pastor Don, we have seen a miracle!”

Oh give glory to our Savior Jesus, as He answered our prayer and showed us His mighty power by healing these precious children from the “incurable” disease HIV! He truly has healed all our diseases and forgiven all our sins!
To see pictures of the orphans in Kenya or get more information about this ministry you can go to our blog and website: or

All the glory to Jesus!

Pastor Don Schwarz
Missions Pastor Poured Out For Africa

Friday, December 3, 2010

Africa Report - Poured Out For Africa

Philippians 2
Yea, and if I be offered (poured out) upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I joy, and rejoice with you all.
Please pray for me as I am in Africa being poured out for the faith of those whom the Lord loves in Africa! What a great privilege to serve our Savior Jesus amongst a people so open to the gospel and so needy for the Savior! I will be in Rwanda and Kenya December 4-19 preaching the gospel, making disciples, and ministering to orphans and widows---Hallelujah!

I will be working in Rwanda with Pastor Muhoza Lewi and our Congolese partner Pastor Athanase Habimana will come from neighboring DR Congo to greet me and pray for the work. Below is the latest update from Pastor Habimana who is an end times dynamo for the Kingdom of Jesus Christ---glory to His name!

These updates are from 10 new churches planted this year.
Greetings ffrom Goma: After being ok last week I organised a seminar of evangelists for three days from 25th up 27th: I was teaching them about FAITH and its explanation; How to witness; and practice: The 10 local churches of Hekima sent their evangelists and Hekima provided food and transportation:

It was very interesting as they knew how to do evangelism using the Key Question: In your opinion what takes a person to go to heaven?
F- Forgiveness
A- Available
I- Impossible
T- Turn
H- Heaven

At the end of the training 36 participants witnessed 78 persons; and everyone back home saying that they are ready to plant new churches: Thank you for your prayers and finacial contribution: All of them received bibles as the tools for the ministry:

You sent to me money for bibles, I distributed them to these evangelists who are qualified for the harvest:

Funds for orphans; I bought blankets as the Chrismas gift: You will receive photo next time

Habimana Athanase

To see more pictures and learn more about this Kingdom work in Africa come to our new, and still under some construction, website—

Also, you can see more of the most recent pictures from Pastor Habimana at
Lord willing I will have an exciting report when I return from Africa!

In The Service Of The King,
Don Schwarz
Poured Out For Africa
Executive Director

Friday, November 19, 2010

Africa Report - Poured Out For Africa

Philippians 2: 17 Yea, and if I be offered (poured out) upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I joy, and rejoice with you all.

Rural Village in DR Congo April 2010:

This is an updated report from one that we shared earlier as we have discovered pictures not yet seen.

Earlier this year our team went to the DR Congo to minister the word of life. Our church planting partner Pastor Habimana led us to a rural village not far from a semi-active volcano. We knew as we approached the small congregation that we were in for a special time in the Spirit of the Lord Jesus! We were greeted by maidservants of the Lord who danced and sang to the Savior upon our arrival. The joy of the Lord was so very unique and powerful---why shouldn’t it be since the joy of the Lord is our strength?

As we entered into the church, which in terms of the building was a ceiling of tree limbs reaching to the sky tied to plastic tarps and the earth for flooring, we knew the Holy Spirit was there with us to point us to our Lord Jesus! Plastic chairs were our seats with an old table for a pulpit. But oh dear ones, the building isn’t the church---the church is the Holy Spirit filled followers of Jesus Christ, and they truly are the church in this village!

This congregation was primarily made up of widows. You see, they are survivors of the Hutu militia that first came to their village when they crossed the Rwanda/DR Congo border after killing one million civilian men, women, and children in 1994.

The Hutu army then killed their husbands and others and brutalized many of these women and some of their children. There are also men who migrated there later or survived the attack.

It is striking to me how much they have suffered, how much poverty of earthly things in which they languish, yet HOW MUCH JOY THEY HAVE THAT WE DO NOT!!!

When I was watching one man worship the Holy Spirit showed me that this dear servant of Jesus had been places in the Spirit that have amassed him a wealth that I knew not of.

During our time together I preached and was humbled and broken and felt a great need for them to preach to me. But they were preaching to me---you see, their very lives were preaching and penetrating my heart with the things of heaven!

Well, the Lord anointed and blessed my feeble efforts of sharing His glorious word and some of the precious souls who had not yet been born again were saved by King Messiah Jesus. When the time came to leave, our hearts were full and a special time of fellowship was had by all.

A few weeks later we received a tragic report from Pastor Habimana and then read about it on internet news wires.

That volcano in the area combined with an overflowing river from rains spewed a sea of mud that covered our little village and killed about four of the ladies to whom we had just not a month ago ministered during our special day. I have posted an article about the flood.

Our hearts were broken and we sent some money to help with the restoration efforts. Those from our team prayed for the mercy of the Lord upon these special ones.

But I cannot help but think of something; I wonder if any of those who prayed to receive Jesus that day for the first time were amongst the four that were killed? Could it be that He sent us there to prepare them for heaven? Either way, think of the kindness of the Lord to send us to them that day with His love and, in some way I cannot help but believe, to prepare their hearts for the trouble that was coming.

We must remember that Jesus told us we would have tribulation in the world, but to be of good cheer as He has overcome the world (Jn 16:33).

We have received never before seen pictures of that trip to the DRC. They are glorious!

We have more posted on our blog

Our website is in transition so see or to keep an eye out for our new website.
Praise King Jesus for He is worthy!

Pastor Don Schwarz
Poured Out For Africa

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Pastor Ouatarra Bagalassin (Lassina): Burkina Faso-The Dogossee People

Philippians 2:17 “Yea, and if I be offered (poured out) upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I joy, and rejoice with you all.”

Ouatarra Bagalassina (Lassina) is an amazing man the Lord has chosen as a vessel of honor!
The miraculous way we were introduced to him through much prayer and fasting is a demonstration of the power of the Holy Spirit!

When we arrived to Burkina Faso we were told that we would not find someone to speak English to us in a remote part of a Western African country called Burkina Faso. And that we had little hope of being able to communicate with any of the unreached Muslim people groups as we were asking the Lord which one He wanted us to engage. We had been praying before leaving and the Lord raised up Lassina by introduction through a missionary who speaks five languages including English. He has a Master’s degree in linguistics.

He is one of the approximately 300 believers of the 40,000 Dogossee (Doe Go Say) people who are Muslim/Animists. He has created the written language for the Dogossee, translates books of the Bible into their language, and teaches the Muslims to read by teaching these books of the Bible---PRAISE OUR GREAT KING MESSIAH JESUS!

We go to Burkina Faso and teach the believing Dogossee people how to reach their people with the gospel and then go out with them into the villages! Here is a picture of Pastor Don preaching in Burkina Faso:

Here is a recent report from Lassina:

Hello Pastor Don,

Thank you so much for your prayers. This month I was so busy with some books of the Gospel we had to check. with a consultant. We thank God that we checked well Galatians, Titus, 1 and 2 Timothy in 2 weeks. We are going in progress the Bible translation, we have already finished the following books: Genesis, some portions of Exodus, Deuteromy, Mark, Luk, John, Jame, Acts, Galatians, Titus, 1 and 2 Timothy and soon Matthew. Praise the Lord! Thank you for your prayers.

I am presently in Ouaga, at the end of this month, I will go to Banfora and the village to see the mayor about land in order to have a big place for building houses for my project I told you in the past. As I am working among muslims, I remarked sometimes the young people are opened to the Gospel but as they depend to their parents, they are afraid to give themselves to Jesus. Girls are facing up to forced marriage, their resort is church but very often, church cannot take care.

I received the burden to build a training house like Dorcas' Home which can welcome girls facing up to forced marriage, boys and girls who are persecuted and don't have home because they became christians. As, it is difficult to welcome people without means, how to feed them? In my mind I think why not open Evangelical school where people will pay for classes and the money can be used to welcome people in difficulties in Dorcasse' home, train them in charpentry, mechanics, masonry (concrete), breeding, farming, sewing, weaving, making soap and so on. I have already build a home (See the file I attached) but I need a bigger land to be able to accomplish my project. I talked with the mayor, and he thinks it is a big and good project which will develop the community. So, he allow es me to see the office which will help me fto find a big land. I think if I am able to build an Evangelical secondary school with Dorcasse' home inside, it will also help to share gospel with youth and it can have an impact in the community. This is my burden and I need your advise, your insight.

I have a bad or good news. It was not in my plan but God knows all things. There was a changing in my work location since the beginning of October. Let me tell you that my National Bible Organization nominated me as a National Bible Coordinator for about 15 Bible Translation Projects. They asked me to stay in Ouagadougou in order to be able to coordinate the 15 languages projects. I am presently in Ouagadougou with my family but per month I have to spend one week with my own project located in Banfora. I am in Ouagadougou not by my will. I hope and I am praying for a short time service here, as I have a burden to fulfil in area. If by God will I am able to fulfill my burden which is to build Dorcasse training center in my village, my family and me will go back to banfora or in the village. Who knows God's will. Pray for me.

Thank you for your prayers.

If you would like to learn more about the work and see more pictures of our last trip to Burkina Faso, come to our blog at and our web and our new developing site at

Praise King Jesus
Don Schwarz
Poured Out For Africa

Friday, October 29, 2010

Africa Report - Poured Out For Africa

Pastor Muhoza Lewi & Pastor Don Schwarz-Rwanda
Philippians 2:17 Yea, and if I be offered (poured out) upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I joy, and rejoice with you all.

Pastor Don Schwarz

Matthew 28:18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. 19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost…

I was introduced to Pastor Lewi during a season of prayer and revelation pertaining to the suffering of the DR Congo. Pastor Lewi is a Congolese Tutsi who left the Congo to help the orphans and widows in Rwanda after the genocide in 1994. Since 2006 we have been working with him in Rwanda and the Congo. He preaches the gospel, makes disciples, plants churches, and takes care of orphans and widows along with ministering to his family of many children and a precious wife. He also speaks five languages. His English is broken and somewhat difficult to discern, but I have left his words in tact and would recommend that you carefully read this glorious report he sends from Rwanda. Be blessed as you hear the Holy Spirit’s operation through this servant of Jesus Christ! I will add parenthesis to help.

Hi Pastor Don
Greetings to you in the mighty name of our Lord and God thank God for you daily, realy apprecaiting all the works that you do for the glory of the Lord, we too blessed by Jesus Christ our Savior and King thank Him for continue blessing you as we do pray daily for that I am sorry for delaying sending the updates as i needed it was that i was so busy with many works here as you know, As already told you in many e-mails we are so blessed to have people coming to Jesus Christ daily, in these two new Churches planted in Kigali (capital of Rwanda) many people are coming to Jesus as you know we did already baptizing them twice that last time we baptized 18 and now we have more than 20 who will be baptized soon in December when you will be here in Rwanda (my upcoming trip),thank the Lord that in these Churches we have been disciple them and are all doing well, thank the Lord for the Orohans whom were attending schools in Muslim schools and now are not due to the support that you have been sending to us that enable us to help them to attend the studies in Christians school this is much facilitating all the works that we do as Muslim were teaching them how to attend their religion and were not sure if will continue to have them or not and now we have them full time and the time that are not in our hands are in the Hands of others whom we are trusting their teachings in which we are much praying to have our own school where will be having them all days teaching, and disciple them to because good followers of Jesus Christ trusting the Lord to open that door for having Primary and Secondary school for the Orphans i Rwanda. (we have plans to plant a Christian orphan village—see our website-project page)

Concerning Widows we thanmk the Lord for them as we do teaching and discilpe them to teach them sound doctrine and teaching them how they can help others who are not yet knowing this way of salvation to become good followers of Jesus Christ as the Lord helps we also helping them financialy and more on spiritual matters, we also teaching them how to stand and work on themselves so that they may be able to feed their families and escape what others are dealing with those trying to sell their bodies to have their own provisions we thank the Lord for your prayers that will open more doors to have enough to help these widows, the Lord is always wonderful to us in every situation provides what we do need, through healing sick people whom I am also one of them in many times when I do feeling Headak, and many pains in my chest in which i am now much better. all of these the Lord did and yet do more I thank you so much for all of what you stand with us by supporting 5 Orphans fully and all of them are at their end of the school year 2010 so please continue praying for more opened doors for more to support others and the Lord is much able, I do not have words to express on all of these works that Pour Out for Africa does may the Lord continue blessings you in all of those greatest works ,through the support that you are supporting me I thank you so much for continue praying for me and my family as well as to stand with me because without this support not easy to do what i am doing for now I pray that the lord may continue realizing more that will meet all of what are needed. the Lord is always the provider

Dear on my behalf get thanks to all of those standing with them tell them that we thank them so much for their spiritual support and financial support.

pray that this will find you well and anything that you will need to know more or to tell you more about you will letting me know

Your brother in Him
Pastor Muhoza Lewi

All I can say is HALLELUJAH!!!

Come to our blog to see pictures of Pastor Lewi @ There are videos with Pastor Lewi on our website

Don Schwarz
Mission Pastor/Executive Director
Poured Out For Africa

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Africa Report - Poured Out For Africa

Philippians 2:17 “Yea, and if I be offered (poured out) upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I joy, and rejoice with you all.”

Mission Pastor Don Schwarz
I am so grateful to our Lord Jesus to have such amazing ministry partners in Africa! One of them is Pastor Habimana in the DR Congo who has planted over 100 churches in the midst of killing, raping, poverty, AIDS, etc. I have posted this week his weekly update to me. It is completely unedited so you can hear his authentic gospel heart through his broken English. Pastor Habimana speaks many languages, while his primary languages are French and Swahili. Be blessed with this glorious report!!!

Thank you for the funds for orphans you sent. Through this short e-mail, I would like to send to you the report of eight churches planted from january up to now which belong to Hekima Baptist church. In the following days the report will be weekly. Those planted churches are the following:
1. Baraka baptist church 27 members

2. Kayanja Baptist church 78 members

3. Kibumba city baptist church 47 members

4. Hermon Baptist church 120 members

5. Shalom Baptist church 30 members

6. Umoja Baptist church 72 members

7 Tchondo Baptist church 40 members

8. Rubaya Baptist church 150 members

During the 10 previous months the evangelism door to door brought many persons to Jesus, 560 persons were witnessed and 44 were baptised, and 37 will be baptised in december. Among those who wer baptised 4 muslims believed in Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior and was baptised, 3 widows and 9 orphans also were baptised.

ANSWERED PRAYERSMuslims fighted Hekima church believers and leaders because of 4 muslims saved and being baptised. God our protector answered our prayers-Major (soldier) Benjamin Mugabo was poisoned, we prayed God to heal him and he was healed. Glory to God-The person at the name of Bisimwa Alex, his son was possessed by spirits, we prayed for him and he was healed.

TESTIMONY of a muslim woman who believed in Jesus Christ and being baptised.My name is Furaha Esther who was called FATUMA when I was muslim.When I was muslim everytime when pregnant, before deliver I had surgical intervention. When talking my problem with christian women, they adviced me to attend prayer group and they will be praying for me and that problem will not occur again. I do that secretly so that my husband and muslim could not know, I begin going there, and when I was pregnant I had a baby without surgical intervention. I thaked God for it. Sooner my children got sick I took them in prayers, in road I meet my husband who asked me where I came from with his children, without fearing I told him that I am coming from prayers. He told me to do not come again in his house. He told the whole history to his family and to my family and both families cursted me. I went to the pastor, telling him what happened to me , and he said to me: This is a right time for you to believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. He prayed to me and after one week they baptised me. From that time I had peace in my heart, but muslims continued to attack me with their spirits, but they didn't succeed. Sure I was aprisoner in Islam religion but after being saved by Jesus christ I have peace in my heart and free from Islam slavery. Today I am a servant of God witnessing my brothers and sisters in Islam religion.


1 Pray for the Gospel to muslims

2 Pray for our believers to be commited to evangelise muslims

3 Pray for the total peace in the DRCongo especially in Eastern

4.Pray for the servant of God to have support in the ministry

5 Pray for the new planted churches to have their own lands and churches building

6 Pray for the saved muslims to grow spiritually

7 Pray for widows and orphans in goma

I could send to you photographs, but today they are not available.

For the money you send I bought school materials and payed little money as the school fee. You will have them nextly.

SincerelyPastor Habimana Athanase

To see a picture of Pastor Habimana and other pictures and videos of our work in Africa see our blog at and our web at

Praise King Jesus!Don Schwarz
Executive Director
Poured Out For Africa

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Africa Report-Poured Out For Africa

Preaching The Gospel In Africa!

Congolese Military Leading a Worship Song to Jesus!

"She took off her headscrarf and told me she was going to follow
Jesus and leave Islam!"

Philippians 2:17 Yea, and if I be offered (poured out) upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I joy, and rejoice with you all.

Preaching the Gospel in Africa!

About two years ago we held a small stadium event in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Now, I have historically been somewhat skeptical of stadium events in that I am concerned that people leave after holding up their hands, saying a prayer, and simply going back to their old lost lives without truly becoming disciples of Jesus Christ. However, before this event hundreds of pastors agreed with our ministry to help in gathering them in after they prayed to receive Jesus. They were very organized and after each of three days of the event they faithfully brought those who came forward to a designated location, broke them into groups and ministered to them and arranged for follow up. It was so very exciting to see thousands of poverty stricken, civil war trodden, weary people come to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ!

A believing officer of the Congolese military headed up the security for this event. There has been such wrong done by so many different militias in the DRC, that it was refreshing to see a remnant of believers stand for righteousness during this event. Some of the soldiers even appeared on stage and sang a song that basically said this: “We have guns and bullets, but only Jesus can bring peace to the Congo!” The musicians and dancers ushered in the presence of the Lord as they ministered to Him and the people. The last day of the conference they gave me a new translator as our other one was detained and arrived late. I asked him if he had a loud enough voice and that I was preaching on John 3: “You must be born again.” He then told me that when he was finished preaching with me that they would be born again in their houses across the street from the stadium! And the Holy Spirit certainly did not let us down! After three days about 30,000 Congolese heard the gospel of Jesus Christ! When I preach the gospel I do not give a message with the main goal of bringing people forward so I can report great numbers. No, I preach sin-deadly, hell-hot and forever, the cross of Jesus and His glorious resurrection, repentance of sin, and full faith in Jesus Christ for salvation. I tell them that it is hard to follow Jesus and He promises us forgiveness of sins and suffering to follow Him. I believe the Holy Spirit coupled by the preaching of the word brought a dear Muslim lady forward to talk with me afterward. She took off her headscarf and told me she was going to follow Jesus and leave Islam!

Over three days we had about 1,500 come forward to pray to receive Jesus as Savior and Lord. Then after the Pastors took them for initial discipleship we waited for reports from our primary pastor contacts. Since the event nine new churches have been planted and I have personally visited one of them. In that church and some of the others that already existed I have met many who came to Jesus in that gospel stadium event! Many really are today following Jesus---Hallelujah! We are praying to have another stadium event in 2011 or early 2012.

It takes a lot of prayer, time, organization, and money for such an effort so we plan them with much lead time. Please pray for us to incorporate another event according to the Lord’s timing along with our other gospel and orphan outreaches in Rwanda and the DRC. You can see some pictures of this event. There is even a picture of the former Muslim lady. Go to our blog: From there you can also link to our website. We have a new website coming very soon.

Praise King Jesus!
Don Schwarz
Missions/Evangelism Pastor
Poured Out For Africa
Cell: 832-878-0756

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Africa Report - Teaching

Pourd Out For Africa

Philippians 2:7 Yea, and if I be offered upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I joy, and rejoice with you all.

Pastor Don Schwarz
Luke 10:3:1 After these things the LORD appointed other seventy also, and sent them two and two before his face into every city and place, whither he himself would come. 2 Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest. 3 Go your ways: behold, I send you forth as lambs among wolves.

One of the things I do in my work in Africa is equip the saints for the work of sharing the gospel. Today, so many professing to follow Jesus think this is an optional work. For example, about 98% of professing born again Christians in America have decided this is not something they want to do nor will they do. They still claim to be followers of Jesus, but Jesus tells His followers that He sends them out with the gospel. The harvest was great then and so it is today. There were few laborers then and there are few laborers today. So, when our Lord Jesus tells His followers to pray for Him to send laborers out into the field here is an important point to consider. Some might think that though they avoid going out into the field, they can pray to the Lord that He send others out. He doesn't ask those who refuse to go out to pray for laborers, no it is those who are obediently going out who are to ask the Lord to send others to help them. Those who refuse to go out with the gospel are in disobedience and do not have the authority in Christ to pray for others to go with the gospel. So here is a question: Is it appropriate for you to pray to our Savior for laborers? Though I would be very thankful if you came with us to Africa, you don't have to go to Africa to "go out". When you leave your home or church you are entering the mission field. So many are afraid to be out in the field as sheep amongst wolves. How can I say such a thing, and if it is true why wouldn't it be ok to be afraid of being sheep amongst wolves? First, statistics show that the overwhelming number of those who do not share their faith in Jesus avoid this glorious calling because of fear. Secondly, as sheep we need to be close to the Shepherd. Where is the Shepherd? He is out in the field of harvest waiting for His people to trust and obey Him and to walk in faith which is the opposite of fear. Sadly, while the Savior is coming many are perishing and most believers refuse to labor in the field. It is my prayer to our Savior, as a laborer, that you become the laborer our Shepherd called you to be! In an hour of fear and uncertainty this will give you a very wide place to stand with confidence in your Redeemer and your purpose for living at this time in history! For the rest of this article go to our blog as I finish explaining what Jesus told His followers. Mark 1:16 And as He walked by the Sea of Galilee, He saw Simon and Andrew his brother casting a net into the sea; for they were fishermen. 17 Then Jesus said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men.” 18 They immediately left their nets and followed Him.

Our Lord tells His followers something very simple and important to understand. He found regular men doing a regular job and told them those days are over and new days have come! They will no longer be regular and normal because now they will follow Him which will be distinguished by the fact that He will make them fishers of men. The plain truth is that the disciples of Jesus are fishers of men. Yes, this is an analogy given to fishermen by trade. Yet regardless whether they are called fishers of men or men out with the gospel the meaning is the same---people who follow Jesus are fishers of men. Are you a fisher of men? If the answer is not then you are not a follower of Jesus. Thankfully, He offers forgiveness and repentance of sin, so that today you can be cleansed by our Savior and follow Him. One way you will know if you are is that you will have the desire to tell others about the Savior!

Praise and glory to our soon coming King Jesus!
I have given a link to an updated article of the investigation into the recent brutal rapes in the area we serve the Lord and the people of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Lord willing we will be going there in October.

For more information about Pastor Don Schwarz or the ministry Poured Out For Africa please see our website. Also, check out the on site videos and pictures from many countries in Africa. You can also contact Don and sign up for the monthly Poured Out For Africa newsletter.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Special Report-Poured Out For Africa

This is one of Pastor Habimana's churches in DR Congo. This Church was called 'The Widow's Church.' It was recently destroyed by a local volcano shortly after we left. This picture was taken in DR Congo. That is Pastor Habimana on the far left, next to Pastor Don.
Pictured below are two short term missionaries from Texas who had the joy of sharing God's love to women at a Women's Conference in DR Congo. They were also able to give each woman $10 in American money! These women were overjoyed!! Pastor Lewi is interpreting on the far left.
Pastor Don Schwarz

Philippians 2: 17Yea, and if I be offered upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I joy, and rejoice with you all.

Psalm 82:3Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy. 4Deliver the poor and needy: rid them out of the hand of the wicked.

The first time Africa showed up on my radar screen was a normal day some six or seven years ago when I was reading daily news services. I was shocked when I read of a Congolese militia soldier who brutally killed a mother’s two little girls right in front of her! I laid out on my floor and began to cry out to the Lord for this poor lady. I then began to learn about the situation in the DR Congo.

The short story is that as a result of the Rwanda genocide in 1994 the Hutu Militia, those who killed about 1,000,000 Tutsi men, women and children in 100 days, fled into the DR Congo. There they, many militia groups cropped up and took sides against one another. It doesn’t help that these areas of DRC are mineral rich. These militia are organized, well financed, demonic animals and caught in the crossfire are innocent civilian populations. Gang rape of men, women and children is common and is used as a weapon of manipulation, terror and war in their bizarre manner of dominance. So, I was praying and crying out to the Lord, but what more could I do?

What can a Jewish American do to help these precious souls under such oppression on the other side of the world? Since asking these questions I have been reminded that little is much when Abba is in it! The Lord began to supernaturally introduce me to pastors who have been planting churches in Rwanda and the DRC. They have been taking care of orphans, widows, raped women, and others who are suffering in the midst of this horror and trouble since it began in 1994.

I have had the honor of living Psalm 82 by bringing teams to the DRC and coming alongside Pastor Habimana in the DRC who has planted 91 churches, many of which are right in the midst of all this trouble. I have listened to, cried with, spoken to and given comfort to many widows and orphans who have experienced trouble like most have never imagined.

We have been going to the DRC for about four years and have seen the Lord Jesus bring so much glory to our Father in heaven! We have preached the gospel in a stadium, the streets, churches, and refugee areas and seen thousands receive Jesus and become His disciples! He will bring justice to those who are these unrepentant afflicters of such demonic wickedness! Until then our Savior sends His Holy Spirit and us to comfort and restore many who are afflicted and needy. So how can you help me, to help them? As the Lord leads I would direct you to our website to see some pictures and videos to help you understand our work and get more information.

Additionally, I am thankful to announce something good that our government is doing---something good what a concept!

The US Congress has passed bills to begin to address the fuel for these militia’s power and money--the mineral business. I have attached two articles, one which explains the most recent atrocity where Pastor Habimana oversees churches and the other explains a recent bill passed by Congress. Please pray about contacting your Senate and Congressional Reps and let them know what you think about these precious souls who need our help. If your Representative has voted for these bills give them some encouragement and explain that you are praying for American missionaries who work with churches in these areas and that you want to see more done. It is nice to have something good to say about and to our government officials for a change. So thank them for what they have done, encourage them to do more, and it is important they know that you are behind them in this regard!

Please pray for our next team going within a few miles of the village in the news service article in this report---our dates are October 10-23.

May our Father be blessed by our heart that beats with His!

Praise King Messiah Jesus!

Poured Out For Africa

Pastor Don Schwarz

If you are interested in helping us pour ourselves out for Africa please consider getting on our free newsletter by contacting me personally by email

We have three basic modes of participation for our partners:

Praying: Contact us for prayer initiatives.

Giving: Many opportunities to give towards food, Bibles & Africa mission trips.

Going: If you are interested in joining us on an Africa trip contact me for a mission trip application.


Saturday, August 21, 2010

AFRICA REPORT: How Can I Best Prepare For The Difficult Days Ahead?

In these pictures Short Term Missionaries are painting the toe nails and finger nails of widows that live in Rwanda. The Word of God, jewerly and hair products were given to all the women present.

Pastor Don Schwarz: Poured Out For Africa

Philippians 2:17 Yea, and if I be offered (poured out) upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I joy, and rejoice with you all.

Psalm 41: 1-2 Blessed is he that considereth the poor: the LORD will deliver him in time of trouble. The LORD will preserve him, and keep him alive; and he shall be blessed upon the earth: and thou wilt not deliver him unto the will of his enemies.

So many followers of Jesus today are very concerned, and legitimately so, about the days ahead. However, the “need” to prepare can be a bottomless pit into which our adversary would like to push us. I think it is wise to prepare, even with provisions, if the Holy Spirit has led His child that way. But then how much is enough? And with what do I fill my little corner of creation? Is food for me and my family enough? What about others and how about water, and heat for the cold, and what if it gets really bad and I need to defend myself, and what if the bad guys have a better plan than me?
Here is where I begin to look further into the Lord’s word for His plan of preparation and here is the direction our family is taking.
We are today considering the poor. We are going to them, encouraging them, giving them resources for food and clothes, doing all we can to sow into their lives in a way that can only be described by them as this “Now we know the Lord has not forgotten us, because He has sent you.” That is what a widow, who had been raped by men in Rwanda during the genocide there, told one of our team members at a special meeting we had for widows.
There are countless stories I could share of times in churches, the streets of slums, garbage dumps where animals and people try to find a meal, and the Lord has sent us there to comfort and bless people.
In one church service in the slums of Nairobi we asked the pastor to buy some food for all who were there (about 50). They bought many loaves of white bread and a soda for each person. You should have seen the looks on their faces. It was the look of someone in America sitting down to a steak dinner, something these have never had in their life. I have heard people say “but Don there are poor right here in America.” That is true and we should help whoever the Lord gives to help. But think of this, most poor in America have never experienced or imagined “poor” like this. My wife, who has been seeing pictures and listening to my stories for years, recently went with me to Kenya. She was so overwhelmed on this occasion in the Nairobi slums that she could hardly speak the rest of the day after we returned to our hotel.
These are the ones to whom the Lord has sent me. If you look at the world today poverty and famine are sweeping the globe like King Jesus said it would in the time of the birth pangs just before His return. I cannot help them all, but I can help the ones the Lord has given me and Lord willing I will be faithful in this regard and on their behalf.
Many use to believe, and I think tragically many still do, that poverty and famine could not cover the landscape of America. I personally believe that it probably will, maybe sooner than later.
Proverbs 19: 17 He who has pity on the poor lends to the LORD, And He will pay back what he has given.
Here is another great passage that tells us how to invest wisely. Think of those who have invested in banks and other financial instruments. How have many of them done in the last few years? Conversely, an investment in heaven’s economy always pays back with dividends! This is our investment strategy—to have mercy on the poor. We are certainly not rich by American standards, but compared to these in Africa we are in pretty good shape today.
So, me and my house are preparing mostly by considering those who are in poverty and famine today. From what I see in Psalm 41 since my heart is motivated by the love of Jesus and faith in Him my future during time of trouble is already secure. He has promised me deliverance and I will simply trust Him at His word. Oh how I love Jesus, Oh how I love Jesus, Oh how I love Jesus, because He first loved me! He loves the poor and helpless too, and I want to show them!
See our blog and website for more information, and our blog has some new pictures and videos of some of our latest trips to Kenya and Rwanda. Also find contact information there to be placed on our monthly newsletter.
If you would like to join us in helping the poor by praying, giving, and/or going contact me for more details.

In King Messiah Jesus Christ!

Don Schwarz
Cell: 832-878-0756

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Do I Have Godly Character?

AFRICA REPORT: Pastor Don Schwarz Poured Out For Africa

Philippians 2: 17Yea, and if I be offered (poured out) upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I joy, and rejoice with you all.

Do I Have Godly Character?

Psalm 68: 5A father of the fatherless, and a judge of the widows, is God in his holy habitation.

As a disciple of Jesus Christ it is my greatest desire to be acquiring godly character. For this to be so the things that are important to my Father in heaven must become important to me---right? It is easy to make my lips move and say I am a follower of Jesus. But, it is the fruit of my life that determines what is in my heart. Didn’t Jesus tell us that a good tree bears good fruit?

That is why our ministry began helping orphans in Africa. About six years ago my Abba spoke to me by His Spirit to my spirit. He reminded me that pure and undefiled religion ministers to orphans and that I did not (James 1:27). I then proceeded to tell Him something that He had obviously overlooked-the fact that I did not know any orphans. Graciously, He then instructed me that if I would have the faith to obey Him---He could work out the details of locating some orphans for me to go and bless, and love, and pray for, and buy food for, and believe Him for great things for, etc. So now we have been to many African countries and today have different orphan outreaches in Kenya, Rwanda, and the DR Congo. Other than seeing a sinner on their way to hell being saved and set free by Jesus, I cannot think of anything better that helping hungry, hopeless, desperate orphans and sharing with them food, hope, and an environment of safety---oh dear brethren THEY ARE CHILDREN! By grace we help some eat, hear the gospel, go to school, buy clothes, but here is the best! I am trusting King Jesus, who by the way loves to please our Father, to help us plant an orphan village with housing, vocational training, farming and livestock, and a Bible College, JUST FOR ORPHANS! It is in Rwanda and is called the Poured Out For Africa Gospel Village. Rwanda has about 10,000,000 people and guess how many are orphans? About 840,000 are fatherless, which makes up almost ten percent of their population---can you imagine? So please pray for me as I want to partner with our Father in heaven to be a father to the fatherless. It is the least I can do since I had no Father in heaven until Jesus saved me and through Him I was adopted into His eternal family. We should all understand what it means to need the Father’s love. POFA also help some widows in Africa and has plans to integrate them into our Gospel Village work.

If you would like to hear more about our work in Africa, please contact me personally by phone or email. We are looking for new Kingdom partnerships who will help us advance the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. I obey the Lord and leave my home and family to preach the gospel, make disciples, and minister to orphans and widows. Will you pray about helping me do this work and provide for my family while I am gone? The time has come to lay treasures up in heaven more than ever as the treasures here are fast depreciating in value. We take a very small salary from this ministry and the rest goes to doing the Kingdom work in the field of harvest.

Take a look at our blog to see a video and pictures of some of our Father’s children in Africa. Praise King Jesus and THANK YOU FATHER!

Don Schwarz

Mission Pastor/Executive Director

Poured Out For Africa 832-878-0756