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Friday, October 29, 2010

Africa Report - Poured Out For Africa

Pastor Muhoza Lewi & Pastor Don Schwarz-Rwanda
Philippians 2:17 Yea, and if I be offered (poured out) upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I joy, and rejoice with you all.

Pastor Don Schwarz

Matthew 28:18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. 19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost…

I was introduced to Pastor Lewi during a season of prayer and revelation pertaining to the suffering of the DR Congo. Pastor Lewi is a Congolese Tutsi who left the Congo to help the orphans and widows in Rwanda after the genocide in 1994. Since 2006 we have been working with him in Rwanda and the Congo. He preaches the gospel, makes disciples, plants churches, and takes care of orphans and widows along with ministering to his family of many children and a precious wife. He also speaks five languages. His English is broken and somewhat difficult to discern, but I have left his words in tact and would recommend that you carefully read this glorious report he sends from Rwanda. Be blessed as you hear the Holy Spirit’s operation through this servant of Jesus Christ! I will add parenthesis to help.

Hi Pastor Don
Greetings to you in the mighty name of our Lord and God thank God for you daily, realy apprecaiting all the works that you do for the glory of the Lord, we too blessed by Jesus Christ our Savior and King thank Him for continue blessing you as we do pray daily for that I am sorry for delaying sending the updates as i needed it was that i was so busy with many works here as you know, As already told you in many e-mails we are so blessed to have people coming to Jesus Christ daily, in these two new Churches planted in Kigali (capital of Rwanda) many people are coming to Jesus as you know we did already baptizing them twice that last time we baptized 18 and now we have more than 20 who will be baptized soon in December when you will be here in Rwanda (my upcoming trip),thank the Lord that in these Churches we have been disciple them and are all doing well, thank the Lord for the Orohans whom were attending schools in Muslim schools and now are not due to the support that you have been sending to us that enable us to help them to attend the studies in Christians school this is much facilitating all the works that we do as Muslim were teaching them how to attend their religion and were not sure if will continue to have them or not and now we have them full time and the time that are not in our hands are in the Hands of others whom we are trusting their teachings in which we are much praying to have our own school where will be having them all days teaching, and disciple them to because good followers of Jesus Christ trusting the Lord to open that door for having Primary and Secondary school for the Orphans i Rwanda. (we have plans to plant a Christian orphan village—see our website-project page)

Concerning Widows we thanmk the Lord for them as we do teaching and discilpe them to teach them sound doctrine and teaching them how they can help others who are not yet knowing this way of salvation to become good followers of Jesus Christ as the Lord helps we also helping them financialy and more on spiritual matters, we also teaching them how to stand and work on themselves so that they may be able to feed their families and escape what others are dealing with those trying to sell their bodies to have their own provisions we thank the Lord for your prayers that will open more doors to have enough to help these widows, the Lord is always wonderful to us in every situation provides what we do need, through healing sick people whom I am also one of them in many times when I do feeling Headak, and many pains in my chest in which i am now much better. all of these the Lord did and yet do more I thank you so much for all of what you stand with us by supporting 5 Orphans fully and all of them are at their end of the school year 2010 so please continue praying for more opened doors for more to support others and the Lord is much able, I do not have words to express on all of these works that Pour Out for Africa does may the Lord continue blessings you in all of those greatest works ,through the support that you are supporting me I thank you so much for continue praying for me and my family as well as to stand with me because without this support not easy to do what i am doing for now I pray that the lord may continue realizing more that will meet all of what are needed. the Lord is always the provider

Dear on my behalf get thanks to all of those standing with them tell them that we thank them so much for their spiritual support and financial support.

pray that this will find you well and anything that you will need to know more or to tell you more about you will letting me know

Your brother in Him
Pastor Muhoza Lewi

All I can say is HALLELUJAH!!!

Come to our blog to see pictures of Pastor Lewi @ There are videos with Pastor Lewi on our website

Don Schwarz
Mission Pastor/Executive Director
Poured Out For Africa

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