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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Africa Report-Poured Out For Africa

Preaching The Gospel In Africa!

Congolese Military Leading a Worship Song to Jesus!

"She took off her headscrarf and told me she was going to follow
Jesus and leave Islam!"

Philippians 2:17 Yea, and if I be offered (poured out) upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I joy, and rejoice with you all.

Preaching the Gospel in Africa!

About two years ago we held a small stadium event in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Now, I have historically been somewhat skeptical of stadium events in that I am concerned that people leave after holding up their hands, saying a prayer, and simply going back to their old lost lives without truly becoming disciples of Jesus Christ. However, before this event hundreds of pastors agreed with our ministry to help in gathering them in after they prayed to receive Jesus. They were very organized and after each of three days of the event they faithfully brought those who came forward to a designated location, broke them into groups and ministered to them and arranged for follow up. It was so very exciting to see thousands of poverty stricken, civil war trodden, weary people come to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ!

A believing officer of the Congolese military headed up the security for this event. There has been such wrong done by so many different militias in the DRC, that it was refreshing to see a remnant of believers stand for righteousness during this event. Some of the soldiers even appeared on stage and sang a song that basically said this: “We have guns and bullets, but only Jesus can bring peace to the Congo!” The musicians and dancers ushered in the presence of the Lord as they ministered to Him and the people. The last day of the conference they gave me a new translator as our other one was detained and arrived late. I asked him if he had a loud enough voice and that I was preaching on John 3: “You must be born again.” He then told me that when he was finished preaching with me that they would be born again in their houses across the street from the stadium! And the Holy Spirit certainly did not let us down! After three days about 30,000 Congolese heard the gospel of Jesus Christ! When I preach the gospel I do not give a message with the main goal of bringing people forward so I can report great numbers. No, I preach sin-deadly, hell-hot and forever, the cross of Jesus and His glorious resurrection, repentance of sin, and full faith in Jesus Christ for salvation. I tell them that it is hard to follow Jesus and He promises us forgiveness of sins and suffering to follow Him. I believe the Holy Spirit coupled by the preaching of the word brought a dear Muslim lady forward to talk with me afterward. She took off her headscarf and told me she was going to follow Jesus and leave Islam!

Over three days we had about 1,500 come forward to pray to receive Jesus as Savior and Lord. Then after the Pastors took them for initial discipleship we waited for reports from our primary pastor contacts. Since the event nine new churches have been planted and I have personally visited one of them. In that church and some of the others that already existed I have met many who came to Jesus in that gospel stadium event! Many really are today following Jesus---Hallelujah! We are praying to have another stadium event in 2011 or early 2012.

It takes a lot of prayer, time, organization, and money for such an effort so we plan them with much lead time. Please pray for us to incorporate another event according to the Lord’s timing along with our other gospel and orphan outreaches in Rwanda and the DRC. You can see some pictures of this event. There is even a picture of the former Muslim lady. Go to our blog: From there you can also link to our website. We have a new website coming very soon.

Praise King Jesus!
Don Schwarz
Missions/Evangelism Pastor
Poured Out For Africa
Cell: 832-878-0756

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