Click here: Kenya: Mayor Regrets Church Demolition
PHILIPPIANS 2:17 Yea, and if I be offered (poured out) upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I joy, and rejoice with you all.
There has been an amazing development in a story from one of the ministries we support in Kenya.
Ben Bahati is a great Pastor whose church was demolished and the brothers and sisters were heartbroken. The Lord has intervened and there is an article that explains.
Please pray for this brother and the church. The work he does is truly KINGDOM and his testimony is authentic. He has planted many churches, preaches to thousands at outdoor events where people are saved and healed, feeds the poor, runs orphanages---he is an incredible dynamo for our Lord Jesus!
Brother John and some of the brothers working with his ministry have sent Bibles, literature explaining Israel in Bible prophecy, and teachings on how to reach Muslims to Pastor Ben. Brother Ben has also done much work amongst the Muslims in Kenya.
We met with Pastor Ben last December in Kenya and spent some quality time working with him in our orphan ministry. Now we are rejoicing to see wrongs against him made right. Please pray that our Savior Jesus is lifted up and the church building is not only restored, but built back better than ever!
It is an honor to serve with Pastor Ben and we will see the glory of the Lord in this I am quite sure!
Praise our King Messiah Jesus!
Don Schwarz - Executive Director/Missions Pastor
Poured Out For Africa
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