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Friday, December 9, 2011


Yea, and if I be offered (poured out) upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I joy, and rejoice with you all. Philippians 2:17
A father of the fatherless, and a judge of the widows, is God in his holy habitation. Psalm 68:5

It is a great blessing to see the word of God and then, through our Savior Jesus and by the Holy Spirit, participate in the family business—the Kingdom of God!
The very character of our Abba Father, Savior Jesus, and Holy Spirit is to Father and Husband over orphans and widows. It is such a privilege to participate by helping them especially in places where they are suffering like the Democratic Republic of Congo. Having said that, I am going to introduce you to some special widows who have suffered under war, rape, poverty, famine, and disease, yet they are our sisters in Jesus and have His joy in their hearts! They are also providing a way for us to participate in the family business. They have made purses that when sold help provide for them in this wilderness of life in the DR Congo. Please read their story: 
SHAKOSHI: Swahili for purse, back-pack, sachel, bag-any-thing that carries your things. 
The women who make these bags, make them in primitive harsh conditions in DR Congo with loving care on a treadle sewing machine, outside of Bukavu in an area particularly hard hit by roving militias and the effects of war and neglect. 
She walked long distances five days-a-week for over a year to learn how to sew, and is now continuing to work hard so she  can support a family and send her children to school.  She's not looking back, she's looking forward and she's trying to make a change.

The efforts of these women are a tremendous encouragement to those around them.  We're seeing three groups of people benefited-the seamstresses, the cloth merchant mamas, and, the women who make the batik and sell it to the cloth merchants mamas.  Please share this good news with your friends.  Maybe they'll buy a shakoshi too, help keep the ball moving forward, and come just a little bit closer to a world a million miles away.  For more information how to get your purse please go to www.

Don Schwarz
Poured Out For Africa


1 comment:

  1. Hi Pastor Don,
    I came by to wish you and your family AND your greater family, in the Congo a very Merry Christmas. I pray the Lord's favor and blessings upon you all. Selling the purses is such a good idea! They're very beautiful, and so is the work that He is accomplishing through you all. And you yourselves are being blessed with the gift of knowledge and spiritual understanding that you are all receiving day by day, while at the same time your storehouses grow richer and richer in Heaven. Pastor Don you are both blessed and a gift of blessing to many. What a rich harvest you are reaping! May the Lord cause you to prosper and reward all of your efforts as you continue on your journey working hard for Him.
    Your sister in Christ,
