Philippians 2:17: Yea, and if I be offered (poured out) upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I joy, and rejoice with you all.
Greetings and Praise King Jesus,
The purpose of this article is to give glory to our great God and Savior Jesus Christ for all He did in Rwanda and the DR Congo March 12-26 during our mission trip! The Holy Spirit sent by our gracious Father was working so effectively that I have broken the testimony into a few parts. This one is to explain the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ and the distribution of His glorious and Holy Word! His word is so powerful and that is why satan does not want it in people’s hands. There were so many who prayed to receive the Savior in the churches and streets during this Kingdom advancing effort! Children to adults, men and women, and mostly those who are in extreme and painful poverty, hunger, and struggling day to day for survival. Yet this Savior is revealing our Father in heaven to them in greater measure that they may feed upon His faithfulness! We saw approximately 200 pray to receive the Savior on this trip, most of whom (Lord willing) will come into fellowship in these churches under the Pastors with whom we work.
Bible Distribution: The women in these countries are often so badly treated including rape and servitude. Some have told us that they have been told they are worthless and are treated like property not precious souls. Well, it is true these precious daughters of the Lord are property---property of King Messiah Jesus as they have been bought by His precious and spotless blood! So, six ladies who went with us ministered life to them and distributed about 250 Bibles to the daughters of Zion! They were so happy they clapped their hands and rejoiced with voices of triumph collectively in such a manner that I believe demons may have been trembling at the prospect of these lady prisoners of war becoming unshackled to go forth and plunder the Kingdom of darkness for the King of Light—Jesus Christ!
Please pray for those who have been saved to pursue true discipleship and for the ladies to be set free to serve the Lord in His mighty power! Please pray that they hunger and thirst for righteousness so they may be filled with the Holy Spirit who will freely give them good gifts from our Abba Father! Lord willing, next week I will post about the ministry of Jesus Christ in Luke 4:18 first shown to me by John McTernan and how the Lord anointed this teaching to save the lost, heal the broken hearted, and set many captives free in the churches in Africa in March.
Praise His Holy Name---Jesus!
Don Schwarz
Poured Out For Africa
phone: 832-878-0756
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