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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

W. Africa Report

I recently returned from a mission trip to a small country in W Africa called Burkina Faso. This trip also included a very strategic twelve hour layover in Dakkar, Senegal. Our small three person team left November 12 and returned November 21.

There we saw many demonstrations of the powerful grace of God through His only begotten Son---our resurrected Savior Jesus Christ! This grace in which we stand delivered believers, saved Muslims, and left many planted and watered seeds for our Father to give the increase in the future.

Most would see a twelve hour layover in a third world Muslim country as a liability not an asset. But the Lord opened a great Kingdom door for us in Senegal and we saw great things in just a few short hours! Our travel agent has a relative who is a teacher at, what we found out later, is the premier boarding school for children of missionaries who are commissioned in difficult countries in Africa.

Very quickly the Lord positioned us to minister to some of the administrators at the school. They had trauma from past experiences, some going back to childhood. Our generation is one of hurt people with broken hearts who have been then oppressed and taken captive by the devil. Also, in the 95% Muslim and witchcraft populated Senegal many of the people attempt to place powerful curses on the believers. So we quickly began to minister the word of life as found in 2 Timothy 2:24-26.2 Timothy 2: 24 And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient, 25 in humility correcting those who are in opposition, if God perhaps will grant them repentance, so that they may know the truth, 26 and that they may come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil, having been taken captive by him to do his will.

The power of our Abba’s grace was so being demonstrated that we were taken from one person to the next to pray, share the powerful words of grace we were given, and to actually see our Savior rebuke demons off of the lives of people! By the time we left we had seen brothers and sisters set free and edified and many children at the school heard a message of urgency to seek the Lord Jesus with their whole heart! And this was just the layover to go to Burkina Faso!

We knew that when we arrived--there would be spiritual warfare, but the Lord reminded us in Senegal that He is able! We met our Kingdom contact Ouattara Balagassina (Lassina). He is a man of God who works with one of the world’s largest Bible translators and is one of the two hundred out of the forty thousand believers from the Dogossee people in Burkina Faso. The Dogossee are our primary work in Burkina Faso because so few are saved. We work in an equipping capacity with about sixty out of the two hundred who are saved.

We went to them to encourage, equip, and challenge them to go to their people with the gospel. One of the pastors told us that we were angels sent by our Lord Jesus to tell them to WAKE UP as Jesus the King is coming soon! We saw an openness amongst the Muslims that was amazing and many were saved. There is another issue we have been dealing with that is becoming more prevalent as a tool of the devil in many Muslim countries.

In many Muslim countries the Bible translators have compromised as they have translated the name of Jehovah as allah. They do this because they say there is no other name for God in their languages. The Lord has shown me many Biblical reasons this is an abomination and must be stopped. Three years ago I began praying that the Lord would introduce me to a Bible translator in Africa so I could discuss this with them. We were also trying to determine what people group to engage there.

At this time the Holy Spirit used a missionary to introduce me to Lassina who is from one of the people groups we were considering and is also a Bible translator! Glory to God, he repented of calling Jehovah by the name of allah and has submitted my teachings of why this is against God’s ways to one of the world’s largest Bible translators! They are considering changing this practice so please pray!
Oh please see believer in Jesus---the time is now for us to shine brightly and do great exploits for the Kingdom of Jesus Christ!!!
Daniel 12:3: 3 Those who are wise shall shine
Like the brightness of the firmament,
And those who turn many to righteousness
Like the stars forever and ever.

Daniel 11: 32 Those who do wickedly against the covenant he shall corrupt with flattery; but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.
This concludes the W Africa Mission Report 09

Monday, November 16, 2009

A small team of us are leaving for Burkina Faso in West Africa November 12-22. There we will take the gospel to the Dogossee people. For newcomers to our newsletter, this is a group that is classified by missionaries as “unreached” as only one hundred out of forty thousand believe in Jesus. Our ministry partner there is one of those one hundred.
Incredibly, he has a master’s degree in linguistics and has created a written language for these precious souls. The Lord has gifted him to translate books of the Bible into this language and he is teaching the Dogossee people how to read this language. He does this by teaching them the Bible books he has translated into the language that the Lord used him to create! Please pray for many of the Dogossee to be saved while we are in Burkina Faso.
Then on January 9-19 we will go to Ghana with the gospel. We are going to visit a missionary hospital there. I will share more about it in my next letter. Also, we will be leading a pastor conference on evangelism and a dear lady from our team is going to lead a ladies’ conference. We will be going door to door with the gospel and having an outdoor evening gospel service---please pray!!!
It is so very wonderful---all of the one hundred twenty orphans at the orphanage in Kenya are sponsored with monthly supporters! Plans are in full swing for the Rwanda orphan village. The Lord raised up an architect who is already working on the drawings. I was waiting in the Nairobi, Kenya airport and the Lord introduced me to a young man who was there working with a ministry making drawings for an orphanage. He was blessed by our vision and has begun working on the drawings for the Rwanda orphans!
A Christian businessman has already agreed to sponsor the water well for our project and to talk with other businessmen who may want to help. Lord willing, I will have the plans drawn up for the orphan project to submit to the government in the next two weeks. Please pray for the government to give the 100 acres we are requesting for the project.
Listen folks, there is not much time left to do this kind of Kingdom work before the King returns. Please pray about partnering with us so we can accomplish the vision of making disciples and blessing orphans and widows.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Rwanda/DR Congo African Partner

The Democratic Republic Of Congo was the first African country the Lord put on my “radar screen.” I knew nothing about it until the beginning of this decade. The Lord showed me the horror and tragedy of the highest casualty war since WW2. The Lord raised up a ministry partner for us who is a Congolese Tutsi man who left for Rwanda in 1994 to minister life to the survivors of the Rwandan Genocide. This human tragedy, that took 1,000,000 lives in 100 days, spawned the horrible civil wars in Burundi and the DR Congo that have taken over 5,000,000 lives. Today Pastor Muhoza Lewi and our ministry, Poured Out For Africa, work together for the cause of Jesus Christ serving Rwanda, the DR Congo, and open doors in the form of standing invitations await our future work in Burundi and Tanzania! Pastor Lewi has planted twenty four churches, ministers to hundreds of orphans and has introduced us to working relationships with literally thousands of churches in Rwanda and the DR Congo! You can see the DR Congo Soccer Stadium Gospel Event on our website on the video page: There we preached to 30,000 people and saw approximately 1,500 pray to receive Jesus as Lord! We also have seen the 450 pastors, who supported this effort, plant nine new churches from the event! We are currently working on one special project, which I will discuss soon, and have others waiting in His wings!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Introducing one of our African ministry partners:

Kenya: Pastor Daniel Oyoko is the first African Pastor to whom the Lord introduced me back in 2005. I was introduced to him through some friends and heard of the incredible work he was doing there! The Lord told me to minister to orphans. At that particular time I had no orphans, but God introduce me to Pastor Daniel who lives in Kenya, Africa and ministers to about 120 orphans!
The vision is unfolding!
since we started working together he has planted additional twenty four churches. He now also has a 120 bed orphanage with a fully functioning water well and school! Through our vision and partnership First Baptist Church Pearland, TX built this facility. We frequently go to Kenya, preach the gospel, equip pastors, and minister to orphans and widows. Praise King Jesus for His more than abundant grace! How did this all happen? By praying GOD would bring the resources and he did. There are so many new opportunities like this for anyone to get involved and help bless the orphans and widows.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Introduction Poured Out For Africa

Poured Out For Africa is an evangelical ministry founded by Pastor Don Schwarz in the Houston TX area. We exist to preach the gospel to the lost, disciple believers in Jesus, and to minister to orphans and widows.

We have unique relationships with church planters in many African countries such as Kenya, Rwanda, the DR Congo, Burkina Faso, and Ghana. We have open doors to many other countries and will be working there as the Lord leads.